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“We continue to see the BIG impact MedDent Consulting has delivered to our office. This last month we reached our highest ever collections and got over 33 new patients within 18 working days”

The MedDent Program

MedDent consulting helps you improve your practice and reach your professional goals, one step at a time. With one-on-one consulting, anything can be resolved, including staff management difficulties, an inefficient front office, low production, rising accounts receivable, poor quality new patients, low profit, lack of work/life balance, and more.

Permanent improvement is more certain with MedDent than other practice management consultants because of its tailor-made approach. For each practice difficulty you encounter, MedDent helps you locate and implement a solution that is right for you.


When you make steady progress with simple, direct steps, you make lasting changes. Most practice owners want increased profits as one of their consulting goals. As a result, MedDent consultants are experts in profit building.

Five Ways to Increase Profits


When your income goes up, you feel more cheerful. You can improve the working conditions for your staff. You can provide the best possible care for your patients. You can increase your net income in five ways:

  1. Generate more new patients

  2. Raise fees

  3. Increase staff efficiency for higher production-per-patient

  4. Reduce accounts receivable

  5. Lower overhead


In meetings with your consultant, you constantly review these five factors. You find ways to increase profit as quickly and efficiently as possible.

For example, if you have more patients than you can handle and your overhead is running at 70%, your consulting would focus on your fees, cutting your lowest-paying insurance plans, increasing collections, and overhead breakdowns. One or more of those three factors would be the source of your low profit.

If your fees were average and collections were excellent, the problem would be with your overhead. Perhaps you and your consultant find your payroll is at $19,500 per month but should be at $16,000 per month. In this case, your consultant might recommend you meet with your staff and explain how the practice needed to collect $80,000 per month to justify the payroll. You would review specific steps each employee could do to reduce the payroll percentages.

Once collections and payroll were in range, you would reward your staff with cash. As a result, your staff members performed as they should. Your production and collections jumped. Your payroll percentage dropped to a good range. You felt proud of your staff.

As another example, you and your consultant find your over-the-counter collections could be more robust. Your consultant calculates that your lax patient financial policies and procedures are cutting $6500 monthly from your profit. Your consultant helps you write financial policies for patients and scripts and rules for staff. Your consultant then trains your staff using written material and drilling. Within 24 hours, over-the-counter collections jump to a new level. This is then closely monitored with metrics to ensure it is done correctly in the future.

MedDent consultants have dozens of solutions to help you correct and improve ANY aspect of your practice.


How MedDent Consulting is Conducted


You meet with your consultant every two to three weeks. The result of the meetings is written, step-by-step plans called mini-programs. To make a difference in your practice and to meet MedDent standards, each step of your mini-program must make sense, align with your goals, and excite you.

You talk to your consultant at least once weekly to address emergencies, discuss your progress, and focus on correct priorities. During difficult periods, you meet or speak to your consultant more often. You have unrestricted access to your consultant.

In addition to working with your Practice Consultant, you also work with an Executive Coach each week to build your performance skills. MedDent gets its best results by combining practice consulting with executive coaching. 

The MedDent Program is customized to fit YOU: your goals, needs/wants, practice setup, demographics, location, and size.

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